
Just a stay-at-home mom...

Some well-meaning person made a comment in conversation with my mother and me this past month that, while seemingly innocuous, cut pretty deep. My mother (always full of grace and tact), simply smiled at the words, but when she and I quickly glanced at one another, I knew that her feelings had been hurt. Another proud mother, while bragging about her college-bound daughter, boasted something like, "she's not just going to be a stay-at-home mom, you know," never comprehending that my mom had chosen to leave her career in order to pursue the raising of me, my three brothers, and my younger sister. With the act of her simple boast, this other mother implied that staying at home with one's children was a lesser accomplishment than going to work at an office, a clinic, or some other place of business each day... and had thoroughly insulted my mom.

After our conversation with this woman, as we were walking away, I leaned over to my mom and put an arm around her shoulders. I said, "I am proud of you for staying at home with us. I wouldn't have traded your time with us for anything!" And it's true... I wouldn't!

How dare this other woman make my mother feel that she had chosen the lesser path in life!? Without her love and guidance, without her tireless support, I honestly doubt that any of us children would have made it to the places we've been or accomplished the things that we have. I cannot put a price tag on the value of packed lunches (even if we couldn't afford Lunchables), of daily handwritten notes of love and encouragement, of folded laundry, of straightened beds, of errands run, of dinners cooked, of forgotten homework delivered to the school, of a shoulder to cry on, and of warm hugs to hold us in times of sadness. She has spent countless nights staying up late while everyone else sleeps in order to wash those sports uniforms that we somehow forgot that we needed the next day. She has awoken early countless mornings to prepare breakfast, pack lunches, and ensure that every need we had was taken care of. No, we weren't blessed as some families with the financial riches that dual incomes may have provided, but we were by far richer than many in love.

My mother was the glue that held and still holds our busy, busy household together. There is NO salary that can award her the compensation that she deserves. She is truly a treasure, and should NEVER be ashamed or feel "less than" for having chosen to place her focus on her family. Although I have not chosen to follow in her path in this regard, I appreciate that she continues to support me in my goals and in my dreams.

So, to all mothers who choose to be a "stay-at-home" mom, I applaud you, and I thank you. Thank you for choosing to be the backbone of your family. Thank you for all that you do, seen or unseen, appreciated or unnoticed. You are amazing. You are wonderful. You are loved. You are appreciated. You should NEVER feel put down by someone's ignorant comment that demeans your chosen profession. Hold your head up high with the knowledge that you can KNOW you made a difference in the lives of your children, whether or not they realize it or appreciate it at the time. As the child of a stay-at-home mom (the best, in my opinion), thank you.

And Mom? I love you. You da bomb.

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