
Murray Tigers... Rawrrrrrrrr!!!!

Yep, I’ve taken a month off from the blog. In all fairness, it was my month off from rotations. Jonathan and I went to Las Vegas for the wedding of two of our very good friends, Brett and Julia. (Ps… she is a Las Vegas native. It was not officiated by Elvis or Darth Vader, for all of you thinking it was one of “those” weddings. It was very beautiful and gorgeous-like.)

After that, we stayed in Indianapolis for a while, visiting family, attending his niece’s high school graduation, and doing other fun things. When we came back to Lexington, we promptly drove on out to good ol’ Olive Hill, Kentucky for my family reunion on my mom’s side. It was great seeing all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles, as well as my grandma and papaw. I’m really glad Jonathan was able to meet all of them, and to see a small piece of how I grew up.

Since then, I’ve traveled down to Murray, Kentucky to stay with my parents during the month of July. My dad is the head football coach at Murray High School, and conveniently, they’ve just moved into a house across from the football practice field. Saves on gas, no? I’m excited to live with them this month (I have a rotation in Mayfield, which is just down the road), because I don’t know if there will ever be another time in my life where I’m living at home with them quite like this. Growing up is definitely bittersweet.

This month’s pharmacy rotation is my community pharmacy rotation. I’m spending my days at Duncan Prescription Shop in Mayfield, Kentucky, where Sam Willett is the pharmacist in charge. With a week under my belt, I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying my time here. I’ve had a community pharmacy rotation before, after my 1st year of pharmacy school, but this seems far, far better. Sam is really doing a great job of being a TEACHER of the profession of pharmacy. In one week, not only have I adequately learned the dispensing system of the pharmacy, but I’ve trained for an MTM program we’ll be working on in the coming weeks, learned a little about how the weekly reports and finances are managed at this pharmacy, practiced reading and interpreting LTCF notes, dispensed unit-dose medications for several area nursing homes, and so much more!

Sam is so approachable and encouraging… he is definitely seeking to help me make the most of this rotation!!! I really appreciate the way he answers my questions. In all honestly, I’m kind of getting tired of the “canned” answers I’ve received from some people about advice for the future, but Sam just tells it like it is! He’s made some great recommendations for post-graduation plans, and has really made me start thinking about becoming a Certified Diabetes Educator.

So yeah… it’s only been one week, but it’s been a great one! I’m enjoying being able to get up and run in the morning, work during the day, lift after work, and then spend the evenings with my family. So far, a great month! One of the only downsides is that I’m missing the most important person in my life (Jonathan Holmes) very much…

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